Archive Mode. Call Pixels to Print ended on 8/22/19, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Friday August 23: Submissions are now closed. 

If you had any issues with payment or your submission, please email ASAP. Thank you!

Pixels to Print

Please consider viewing the video at the bottom of the page, which walks through an overview of the entry process.

Overview of Submission Steps:

1. Register for an Account on this page. (Please save the password you will create for yourself)
2. Pay the Submission fee*
3. Enter Artwork details for your first Submission (Each artwork piece is considered an 'Application'. You may submit up to 3 applications.)
4. Upload image(s) for your first submission.
5. If you wish to submit a 2nd or 3rd artwork selection, repeat Steps #3 & 4 by choosing "Add New Application"
6. Once an image is uploaded, your individual 'Application' is considered complete. You may return to your Applications at any time to edit details, change image, etc.

EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS: You will receive multiple emails from You should receive one after registering, and also after each successful submission. If you do not receive these emails, please contact the OHCA office immediately, using contact info below.

TO BEGIN: Please click the blue "Register" button on the top right corner.

  • Please call (415) 388-4331 or email us to ask for assistance if you're having any difficulty! 
  • There are links at the top of all pages showing Help Videos and Contact information.
  • You'll be able to edit any of your details, including changing images, at any time up until the close of the Submission period. (Thursday August 22, 2019 at 12 Midnight PT) 

*Payments: Because the payment form is the first step, we'll be happy to refund the charge if you are unable to complete your application before the Submission period ends. Once the submission period ends, payments are final, as the Jurying process will begin at that time.


User Entry Process Tutorial Video